CRUZ launchs its new CRUZ products website,

banner nueva web CRUZ-PRODUCTS

CRUZ launches its new products website in 2023, thus separating the organisation’s corporate website from the CRUZ product website.

imagen catalogo cruz-products

Among many other improvements, the main arguments of the new CRUZ product website are:

  • New domain for the CRUZ product website (separation between CRUZBER corporate brand and CRUZ product brand).
  • Completely renewed design, with a strong focus on the mobile version.
  • Improvements in loading times, especially in the guides.
  • New guides with filters.
  • Incorporation of vehicles and 3D solutions.
  • Incorporation of 360º product images.
  • Guides directly on product pages that are specific to vehicles.
  • Availability information on all products and on all product pages.
  • All products can be incorporated into orders from their own pages.
  • All searches from the guides can be incorporated into orders.
  • B2B: Delivery note and invoice history (national only).
  • Progressive incorporation of FAQs.

Please note that today, June 14th 2023, the CRUZBER websites will be temporarily suspended while migration operations are carried out. The new CRUZ product website will be operational later today. For more information, please click on the following link:

Download the full launch presentation here.

From CRUZ we hope that you like this new website and that it serves as a simple, navigable, attractive and functional consultation platform.

imagen guia de vehiculos cruz-products

For more news, check out our website and follow our social media channels.








