
Cofre de techo Cruz Easy

Protecting our planet, now and for the future.

Sustainability and Environment.

Sustainable production processes. CRUZBER seeks to integrate respect for the environment in all production processes and in all its products.

The daily commitment to our planet is part of our philosophy, accompanying us both in production processes and in the development of new products. We always operate within the limits of ecological sustainability. Our efforts towards a more sustainable world span all stages of our value chain and are outlined in our code of conduct and policies.

Through our perspective of social and environmental responsibility, we contribute to sustainable, person in charge and lasting development. From our organization, we aim to improve the characteristics of our products and their durability, reducing the environmental impacts that occur during their production stages and their life cycle.

For a more Sustainable World.

CRUZBER aims to contribute to a more sustainable world by offering innovative, high-quality products that inspire people to live an active life while respecting the environment.

Ethics in the supply chain.

CRUZBER audits each and every one of its suppliers. As we grow and form partnerships with new suppliers, we place more importance on ensuring that our suppliers comply with our standards, national and international regulations and guidelines, as well as our Code of Conduct.

01Policies and Principles.

The CRUZBER Code of Conduct applies to all our suppliers, sub-suppliers and business partners, in addition to our management team and other people who make up the organization. The Code of Conduct contains the principles and guidelines we require throughout our supply chain, with respect to human rights, health and safety, working conditions, environmental responsibility and business ethics.

02Monitoring and Evaluation.

CRUZBER’s supply chain is continually monitored through regular site visits ensuring compliance with the requirements of our Code of Conduct. Additionally, CRUZBER conducts corporate social responsibility (CSR) supplier audits, both internally and externally. These are on-site audits performed by trained employees or auditors of our third-party partners.

03Corrective Actions.

If issues are identified in the audits, a clear procedure is followed that involves a corrective action request from CRUZBER to the supplier. A corrective action plan is required and created by the supplier within two weeks of the request. CRUZBER internal auditors conduct a follow-up review to ensure that suppliers implement necessary corrective actions.

04Social responsibility audits.

Each new supplier is examined and undergoes a self-assessment based on the CRUZBER Code of Conduct, national laws and regulations regarding labor legislation health and safety, human rights and climate and environmental aspects. This is followed by our annual monitoring to ensure our requirements are met and identify opportunities for improvement.